Kid Lit Village: The Memory Quilt

Hello Lovely Blog Readers! I’m so happy to be able to share this interview with you today. This book is dear to my heart and I will share the reason; however, first I need to introduce you to Lori Keating, member of Kids Book Crew and author of The Memory Quilt! The book is illustratedContinue reading “Kid Lit Village: The Memory Quilt”

Kid Lit Love: Sam and Jump by Jennifer K. Mann

Hello Readers and Lovers of Picture Books! Since I have a newfound appreciation for book reviews, I’m on a mission to post one picture book review each month of a book I love.  All the picture books I review in 2018 from this point forward will be the books of 12×12 members! Reality being whatContinue reading “Kid Lit Love: Sam and Jump by Jennifer K. Mann”

Kid Lit Love: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi

Hello Readers and Lovers of Picture Books! Since I have a newfound appreciation for book reviews, I’m on a mission to post one picture book review each month of a book I loved.  So January’s book is right here: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi. There is something about walking through the woodsContinue reading “Kid Lit Love: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi”

Kid Lit Love: Lion and Rabbit’s Opposite Day by Tara J. Hannon

Hello Readers and Lovers of Picture Books! Since I have a newfound appreciation for book reviews, I’m on a mission to post one picture book review each month of a book I love.  All the picture books I review in 2018 from this point forward will be the books of 12×12 members! So here isContinue reading “Kid Lit Love: Lion and Rabbit’s Opposite Day by Tara J. Hannon”

Kid Lit Love: A Morning With Grandpa

Hello Readers and Lovers of Picture Books! Since I have a newfound appreciation for book reviews, I’m on a mission to post one picture book review each month of a book I love.  All the picture books I review in 2018 from this point forward will be the books of 12×12 members! So here isContinue reading “Kid Lit Love: A Morning With Grandpa”

Kid Lit Love: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi

Hello Readers and Lovers of Picture Books! Since I have a newfound appreciation for book reviews, I’m on a mission to post one picture book review each month of a book I loved.  So January’s book is right here: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi. There is something about walking through the woodsContinue reading “Kid Lit Love: Tea Party in the Woods by Akiko Miyakoshi”