Poetry Month: Earth and Ocean Theme

Hello Lovely Blog Readers, I’m here to tell you about my hopes for poetry month – did you know that April is poetry month? Well, now you do. For the past few years, I have written or read or revised at least one poem each day for the month of April. I love the challengeContinue reading “Poetry Month: Earth and Ocean Theme”


Hello Lovely blog readers! Welcome back to Kid Lit Village blog. I’m excited to share DOE’S DANDELIONS with you, illustrated by Jennie Poh, published by Beaming Books. I’m interviewing the author, Laura Renauld, who is a repeat guest on the blog. She was here for another book in the same series, which I absolutely loved,Continue reading “KID LIT VILLAGE: DOE’S DANDELIONS”

Kid Lit Village: JUST A WORM

Welcome to the Kid Lit Village blog! I’m super excited to have a freshly pressed interview with Marie Boyd, author of JUST A WORM, published by Greenwillow, an imprint of Harper Collins. Marie is an author/illustrator and she has a unique process called quilling that she uses to create her illustrations. This book is aContinue reading “Kid Lit Village: JUST A WORM”

Kid Lit Village Review: How to Say Hello to a Worm

Hello Kid Lit Village Readers! Today, I’d like to review a book I absolutely love for sharing with my nature preschool class. HOW TO SAY HELLO TO A WORM is by Kari Percival, published by Rise x Penguin Workshop, 2022. In one sentence: this book will inspire you to get outdoors and garden with theContinue reading “Kid Lit Village Review: How to Say Hello to a Worm”

Kid Lit Village Review: SQUIRREL’S SWEATER

Friday is review day on Kid Lit Village. Not every Friday though, as this busy preschool teacher needs time to rest after being out on the trails with four year olds all day. Book reviews are so important to authors and illustrators, who put so much work into their creations and they help readers toContinue reading “Kid Lit Village Review: SQUIRREL’S SWEATER”



Play Grows Brains.

When you hear that play helps with brain development, what kind of play do you imagine? I would define play as self-directed, freely chosen, and intrinsically motivated activities. Makers of electronic toys would have us believe that we need these educational toys to ‘teach’ our children something. And yet the research has shown that theContinue reading “Play Grows Brains.”

Katie Shaeffer Pancake Maker: Read Aloud

Hello Readers! Pancake Day is February 16, 2021 and I’ve uploaded a read aloud video for you to enjoy! Katie Shaeffer, read by the author, (that’s me!) is a great book for your 3-8 year old, especially those who enjoy characters like Jillian Jiggs. And yes, those are my very dry hands in the video.Continue reading “Katie Shaeffer Pancake Maker: Read Aloud”

Monster Cookies: Recipe

Here’s my recipe for Monster Cookies that’s sure to please any little monster running around your home. Recipe for Monster Cookies*note: I have tested and tweaked this recipe and it is awesome! 1/2 cup margarine1/2 cup butter3/4 cup light brown sugar3/4 cup white sugar2 eggs1 tsp vanilla extract2 cups flour1 tsp baking soda1/2 tsp bakingContinue reading “Monster Cookies: Recipe”