Kid Lit Village Review: Métis Like Me

Hello Lovely blog readers, I’m excited to share my book review of Métis Like Me by Tasha Hilderman and Risa Hugo. Tasha has been a critique partner of mine since 2018 and we met through the 12×12 Picture Book Challenge. This is Tasha Hilderman’s debut picture book. It released earlier this week! A bit ofContinue reading “Kid Lit Village Review: Métis Like Me”

Poetry Month: Earth and Ocean Theme

Hello Lovely Blog Readers, I’m here to tell you about my hopes for poetry month – did you know that April is poetry month? Well, now you do. For the past few years, I have written or read or revised at least one poem each day for the month of April. I love the challengeContinue reading “Poetry Month: Earth and Ocean Theme”


Hello Lovely blog readers! Welcome to Kid Lit Village where I interview children’s book creators, featuring newly released books, most often, picture books. This week, I have the privilege of featuring author Jenny Lynn Pease and her debut picture book, I LOVE HARRIET KIPPLEY with Free Spirit Publishing. As a musician myself, I was thrilledContinue reading “Kid Lit Village: I LOVE HARRIET KIPPLEY”

Vancouver Public Library – Central Branch

While in Vancouver, I had an opportunity for a short visit to the public library downtown, specifically the Central Branch, which is smack dab in the middle of Vancouver’s Central Business District and just a stone’s throw from B.C. Place Stadium at 350 West Georgia Street. The architecture is fascinating and I’ve been curious toContinue reading “Vancouver Public Library – Central Branch”

Kid Lit Village: FARM LULLABY

Hello readers and welcome to Kid Lit Village. Here we are in October already! I am thrilled to give a warm welcome to, Karen Jameson, author of FARM LULLABY, which is her third picture book release and there’s more coming from Karen! FARM LULLABY is illustrated by Wednesday Kirwan and published by Chronicle Books. FirstContinue reading “Kid Lit Village: FARM LULLABY”

Kid Lit Village: author, Janet Halfmann

Hello Readers, and Welcome to Kid Lit Village! Today we have an interview with Janet Halfmann, who has not one, not two, but three new books releasing in 2021! Her books WHO IS SINGING? (summer 2021), YAY FOR BIG BROTHERS! (Nov. 2021), and CATERPILLAR’S SURPRISE (Dec. 2021) are a perfect fit for the blog, whereContinue reading “Kid Lit Village: author, Janet Halfmann”

Nature Preschool: Eight Keys to Success

Hello to my lovely readers! I know some of you may be curious about nature preschool. How do we have preschool outdoors? Here are eight keys to success. Readers, thank you for stopping by! I hope you’ll venture out and try a walk outdoors. Even if you don’t work in an outdoor program, you canContinue reading “Nature Preschool: Eight Keys to Success”

Kid Lit Village Review: When We are Kind

Hello Readers! It’s been a long time since my last Kid Lit Village book review. I’m happy to do a review for WHEN WE ARE KIND by Monique Gray Smith and Nicole Neidhardt. It is published by Orca Books. As a nature preschool educator in British Columbia, Truth and Reconciliation and connection to land areContinue reading “Kid Lit Village Review: When We are Kind”

Kid Lit Village Review: Frank and Bean, Food Truck Fiasco

Hello Readers! I’m excited to share a new book review with you. Today, I’m featuring FRANK AND BEAN: Food Truck Fiasco by Jamie Michalak and Bob Kolar. It is an early chapter book, published by Candlewick Press. It is part of the Candlewick Sparks series. I received a copy for review. Kids will gobble upContinue reading “Kid Lit Village Review: Frank and Bean, Food Truck Fiasco”